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Save Biodiversity is the Need of Hour

-Dr. Chandasudha Goswami

Biodiversity, a word of immense importance. It covers all the living organisms , creatures or life forms. More diverse the organisms are; more rich the biodiversity is. There are more than 7 million species in the earth as per 2019 record and many more has become extinct. Whenever any organism is lost from the earth, it shakes the whole food chain or web, disturbs the living world. From the tiny organism to gigantic one, from basic unicellular prokaryotes to most complex human beings all the equally important for sustainability and enriched biodiversity. No species or individual can live alone. We need support of each other. Timely and optimum use of all natural resources and minimum use of lethal practices will help to save ourselves. Otherwise it will be impossible to save life, most importantly the human race. The more and more anthropogenic pressure on environment will lead to unbalanced life and destruction. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. As per 2018 record At least 40 percent of the world's economy and 80 percent of the needs of the poor are derived from biological resources So to live a healthier life, allow the others to live.



-Dr. Akanksha Mahajan, M.sc. PhD (Life Science)

As we all know that members of the same family tend to have similar characteristics.
But have you ever wondered how this happens? Have you ever thought, why a mouse gives birth to a mouse only and not to cat or dog. Why you and your siblings and your parents have same similar trend of hight or skin colur or fase cut? Answers to all these questions lies in the Inheritance Biology. Yes, it is because some thing is passing on from generations to generations. And the study of this passing on the traits from parents to their offspring; either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction is known as heredity or inheritance. And thus, the offspring cells or organisms acquire the genetic information of their parents. Now the question arises, What can be inherited from parents? 'Genes' yes this is the genetic material which parents pass on to their children. For instance, traits or characteristics, such as eye colour and blood type even some health conditions and diseases can be passed on genetically too. The two alleles in a gene pair are inherited, one from each parent. DNA being the genetic material passes on from parents to their offspring. When organisms reproduce, all the information for growth, survival, and reproduction for the next generation is found in the DNA passed down from the parent generation. And the cycle goes on. And thus we inheret all the information for our survival from generations to generations.


Think of a Change

-Mrs. Swati Thakare, M.A. (English), M.Ed.

It's been a long time to meet all my people. Really missing those days when we could meet, could cross each other on the way; not everyone but almost all. And today it has become a memory as only can see the faces flashing up with their eternal smile and undoubtedly those day-to-day meetings is a major missing today. It's difficult being segregated into these tiny quarantine rooms. How surprising!! Never thought of a day like this. Never! As soon as the lockdown started I remember some people talking about counting food grains and the utensils in the kitchen. Some started taking interest in many more things around. Even the corners of the house and the many unnoticed objects grabbed our attention. I think not only few people but almost we all used to cry for not getting time for many undone things, ‘not getting time' was a permanent excuse on the tongues. Even I had the same excuse most of the times but today I can see a change. Yes, it's a change of course. A person like me have a world to be engrossed with, a world with priorities and the same world never allowed me to come out of it and to mingle with the beautiful nature-world around. The priorities of life and over ambitiousness never allow us to sit calm but it definitely take us to depths of unending valleys of discontentment. In such circumstances being in the company of nature is far from that. Here, when I hardly complete my interactions with the people around, how am I going to have a peaceful time to open eyes into the soothing company of nature? But surprisingly unprecedented circumstances of Corona lockdown made it possible. It happened that the our quarantine homes deprived us from humans but offered us to come closer to the nature without foiling the obligations. I started taking interest in the nature-world around me. I started talking, expressing myself and even tried to connect myself, my emotions with that surrounding world. You’ll be surprised to hear that I have developed a good acquaintance with the plants who stand outside my window. I have started talking to one of those plants which shines very brightly, it smiles, dances, tosses its head many times as if it is responding me. Throughout the day, it happens that I come across the plant twice or thrice and there started a new journey. But initially communication and the bond between us was not so much expressive and impressive. Slowly and gradually it has taken a different turn and today I am happy to say it responds as if it understands the mind and emotions. Imagine human being without communication, just impossible. Right? Today, when I find the people around me missing then finds a big vacuum granting no scope to express. But at the present moment one has to find a ray of hope to survive and I found one when I opened my eyes to look at the nature around. The nature is as it is, in fact was far more better but we the ignorant degree holders can’t digest good things for a longer time. When I opened my eyes I found nature as a good companion extending its hand in all possible ways. Unfortunately, we hardly find time to see the beauty in the lap of nature. It is the real source of joy and peace and if you can find it here you can find it everywhere but if you don’t find it here then the whole world may fail to cherish you, to beguile you. The change in the lifestyles have taken us too away from this distinguished company of nature that we even forgot to cast an eye on the birds, animals, insects, plants, creepers and many more things which too are an integral part of the world. It's not we who are very superior than these factors, in fact, we have to go hand in hand with them to maintain balance on the earth as we all have taken birth from the womb of Mother Earth. For a moment when I thought how people must be sending messages through the pigeons in ancient times, I wondered whether we can send a message in the same way. Unfortunately we can’t as we are not able to express. We find no waysthrough which we can communicate or can develop a bond between. Even though I try, how those birds are going to understand my language as I never tried to connect with them and so I don’t find any bridge to walk on with those innocent creatures. Then comes a vital question. Who is a poor creature today? Are they or am I? Today I’m trapped in a contracted world but they are freely enjoying the explicit joy of living in the real world. Today they are free from any threat as the threat itself is in a threat. When we are finding ourselves into such a lockdown condition, at least momentarily we are away from a world of hustle and bustle where we mechanically perform a number of actions and run with the clock. Today we are stuck and helpless without a place within or outside to either meditate or introspect but only scattered all around. This lockdown season is actually a right time to introspect as we look down on nature considering human beings as the superior beings. See today the roads are closed for us but not for them and this is the alarming bell saying it's never too late, we still have time to step wisely.


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